Alright dads turn…..
So here I am 4 o’clock in the morning. Mom just got to work, I’m laying in bed with the child who refuses to stay asleep in his bed. I can’t sleep… thinking if things to pack tomorrow morning, what are our plans for this weekend, what the heck I have to do tomorrow when I get in to work. Sometimes being a parent is tiring… correction, being a parent is tiring, I work about 12 hours 5 days a week I get about 3-5 hours of sleep when my wife works. But it’s all for this little thing laying next to me, who in the time I’ve typed this out has gone from laying next to me like a regular person to side ways with his feet on my chest, to now “upside down” having me fight with his feet continually being thrown on my face, while he stays asleep! No matter what though I’ll always love him. You do crazy things as a parent, but one thing that I think should always be true, the craziness is always worth it when it’s for that little person or people you brought into this world… now I’m going to try to get some sleep and hopefully survive to my next day off. But I guess that’s the life of a Hot Mess Parent #hotmessparent #tireddaddy #sleepingkid #lovemyson #craziness #lackofsleep #allforlove #hotmessdad