Dads turn…

Ok so I’m here to bring in another point of view not so often seen. Hot Mess dads…. I’m laying on my floor at 2:30 in the morning, my son will most likely be up in about 5 hours, and yet here I am composing this post. 

I consider myself a hotmess parent. I think most dads are, but since you know, we’re guys it’s not the same. Trust me it’s the same. Just because dads don’t tend to be the primary caregiver doesn’t mean we get to slack off and shouldn’t be held to the same standards as moms. 

I’m a sous chef. My job is to organize and run a kitchen, do orders, keep track of my cooks, and make dishes that would “entice the masses”. But some days I can’t even figure out what the heck I’m eating for lunch, let alone for my kid. My knife bag is more organized than my kids diaper bag. I’m pretty sure coming up with a brand new sushi roll is easier than figuring out what I’m going to buy at the grocery store to feed my family. 

I’m hoping that with this blog I can maybe help some dads out there, or maybe help some moms see from a dad point of view. I’m one of those dads who does things for my wife not because it makes me a good husband but because that’s what I’m supposed to do. We are a team, there’s no good mom or good dad, we’re parents.